Capsule uses the following third party services to collect customer information

Company & Privacy PolicyPurposeCategories of Personal Data

HelpScout Inc

Provider of support emailsUser name, email address, IP address and support queries IncCustomer analyticsUser name, email address, IP address and support queries

Meta Platforms Inc

Analytics and advertisingIP Address
Google AnalyticsAnalytics and advertisingIP Address
Google Tag ManagerConfiguration of analyticsIP Address

SolarWinds Worldwide LLC (Loggly)

System activity loggingUser email, email subject lines, IP address
Sentry.ioSystem activity loggingIP Address
NewRelicSystem activity loggingIP Address

Amazon Web Service (AWS)

Primary data hosting platformName, Email address, Invoicing Address, Billing Address

Elavon (SagePay)

Payment card processingEmail Address
ZapierAutomation triggersEmail Address

Wufoo by SurveyMonkey Inc

Form captureName, Email Address, IP Address
Twilio (SendGrid)Email notificationsName, Email Address, IP Address
Google FontsFont displayIP Address
YouTubeVideo playbackIP Address
Wistia IncVideo playbackIP Address
MaxMindGeolocationIP Address

ElasticSearch Inc

Customer SupportIP Address

Atlassian Inc

Status PageIP Address
StripePayment card processingIP Address, Name, Payment details
CapsuleCRM IncApplication and customer support

Cookies, Local Storage and Session Storage published on your account domain. User name, email address, IP address and support queries

Xero LimitedCustomer InvoicingEmail Address

Data Protection Representative Limited

EU representativeEmail Address
Conjura Ireland LimitedBusiness AnalyticsEmail address, IP Address, Name
Snowflake IncBusiness AnalyticsEmail address, IP Address, Name
TableauBusiness AnalyticsEmail address, IP Address, Name
LinkedInAnalytics and advertisingIP Address
DataDog IncSystem activity loggingUser email, email subject lines, IP address
Calendly LLCSupport emails and Marketing emailsEmail address, Phone number
MPZMail LimitedEmail newslettersName, Email Address, IP Address
Typeform SLMarketingName, Email Address, IP Address

Zenleads Inc (

MarketingName, Email Address

Remote Work Digital Limited

MarketingName, Email Address
Deel IncDesignName, Email Address
Google IncEmail ServicesUser name, email address, IP address and support queries

Webtrends Optimize

A/B TestingIP address Inc

G2 ReviewsEmail address
Otter.aiMeeting recordings and notesUser name, email address and recordings
Fireflies.aiVideo conferencingUser name, email address, recordings and notes
DripifyCampaign management toolLinkedIn URL


Enrichment toolName, company name