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How to integrate Docusign with Capsule

DocuSign is a tool for managing both agreements and signatures online. With the support of Zapier, you can automate actions in Capsule based on a trigger in DocuSign. We have covered the most useful Zaps in this article and show you how to set them up.


How to set up the DocuSign to Capsule Zap

As mentioned above, Zapier works with Triggers and Actions - this means you can set up a Trigger in DocuSign and then an Action in Capsule based on this. Click the right link below for the instructions to set up your Zap:

  1. Update a Capsule Opportunity from a completed DocuSign
  2. Add a Capsule Project from a completed DocuSign

How to update a Capsule Opportunity from a completed DocuSign

  1. Log into Zapier
  2. Click +Create, then choose the New Zap option
  3. In the Trigger step, search for Docusign and select
showing the docusign symbol in search results

Define the Zap Trigger: Signed DocuSign

  1. In the Event field, choose Envelop Status Updated and then Continue
  2. Select your DocuSign account
  3. On the next step, set the Status field to Completed and leave the other options at the default values
  1. Now you will be asked to test the Trigger. Click Continue with the selected record
  2. Follow the steps to Find a Contact in Capsule using Zapier
  3. Follow the steps to Find an Opportunity in Capsule with Zapier

Define the Zap Action: Update Opportunity

  1. In Zapier, add another step
  1. In the new step, Search for Capsule CRM
  2. Choose Update Opportunity from the Event dropdown and then Continue
  3. Choose your Capsule account. If you’ve set up a Zap for Capsule earlier you’ll be shown an existing account. Or follow the instructions to link your account and click Continue
  4. For the Action, only two fields are required:
  • Opportunity ID = Select the ID from the previous Zap Step
  • Milestone status = Won
  1. Now you will be asked to test the action. Click Test step
  2. Click the Publish button to save your changes and push your Zap live.

How to add a Capsule Project from a completed DocuSign

  1. Using AI, ask Create a Capsule CRM Project, with custom fields, from signed DocuSign
showing AI tool with suggested zap
  1. Click Try it to see the suggested steps. We’ll need to add a few more, but this is a good starting point.
  2. Choose Sign in to DocuSign
  3. On the next page, select Yes, Continue to Docusign
showing the pre-login page including account type selection
  1. Enter your login details and click Log In
  2. Allow Zapier to access to your DocuSign account
showing permission page to connect DocuSign to Zapier
  1. When directed back to Zapier, choose Continue

Define the Zap Trigger: A signed DocuSign

  1. For the Trigger, only two fields are required:
  • Status = Completed
  • Download Form Data = Yes (make sure DocuSign has Allow sender to download form data enabled)
showing the trigger fields with status and download form data populated
  1. Now you will be asked to test the Trigger. Click Continue with the selected record

Define a Find Step: The Contact

  1. Before we can create the Project we first have to find a contact to link it to. Click to +Add Step between the existing steps
showing where to add the middle step in the Zap
  1. In the new step, Search for Capsule CRM
  2. Once selected, choose Find Contact from the Event dropdown and then Continue
  3. Choose your Capsule account. If you’ve set up a Zap for Capsule earlier you’ll be shown an existing account. Or follow the instructions to link your account and click Continue
  4. In the Search using field, search for and select Email Address
showing email address field search and select
  1. In the Operator field, choose is
showing is operator selected
  1. For the Value, search for and select Recipients Signers email
showing recipient signers email field search and select
  1. It is possible this record doesn’t yet exist in Capsule, so we have the option to create it if it doesn’t. Check the checkbox for Create Capsule CRM Contact if it doesn’t exist yet. For the Type field, search for and select Person
showing create contact checkbox
  1. In the Firstname field, select Recipients Signer name. There are tools to separate this, but for simplicity we’ll use as is and edit later in Capsule
  2. If available from the form data, insert the Company Name into the Organisation field. The contact will be linked to an existing organization or a new organization will be created
  3. The only other required field is the Email address. Again, search for and select Recipients Signers email, then Select Continue
  4. Now you will be asked to test this step. Click Test step
  5. Whether a contact record was found or created in Capsule, you’ll see a record ID. We’ll use that in the next step. Select Continue.
showing ID field in zap step

Define the Zap Action: Add Project

  1. Now it’s time to create the Project. As Zapier’s AI already added the step, select Continue to pick the Capsule Account. It will default to the Capsule Account used in the earlier step. Then, select Continue to set up the Action
  2. The Project needs to be linked to a Contact. This will be custom information from the find step. Switch to the Custom tab, then click Find contact in Capsule CRM. From the dropdown, select the ID field
showing custom and id selection
  1. Add an appropriate Project name. It can be the same for all Projects, or you can incorporate fields from DocuSign. In this example we use the text Standard Project for and the Company Name from DocuSign
showing example project name field
  1. Select the appropriate Board and initial Stage
  2. The remaining fields are optional. You can set them with standard information or use data from the DocuSign form. Below is an example of using the start date from the form to populate the Project start date custom field
showing example start date field search and select
  1. When all of the fields are set, select Continue
  2. Once again, select Test step. This will create a Project in Capsule, linked to the contact who signed the DocuSign document
  3. If successful you will have a newly created Project:
showing a new test project in Capsule
  1. Click the Publish button to save your changes and push your Zap live.

How to find a Contact in Capsule with Zapier

Often, as part of a Zap step involving Capsule, you need to either find a Contact that you know exists or find a Contact that may exist and create it if it doesn’t exist. These are two very similar processes. We’ve covered both below.


From an earlier step in the Zap, a unique identifier to use as the search part of the find step. This example uses the email address.

How to find a known existing Contact

  1. We first have to find a Contact to link it to. Click the +Add Step button to add the next step
showing the add step button in zapier
  1. Select or search for Capsule CRM and a new step will be added
  2. Once selected, in the Event field, choose Find Contact and then Continue
showing the find contact option in search
  1. Choose your Capsule account. If you’ve set up a Zap for Capsule earlier you’ll be shown an existing account. Or follow the instructions to link your account and click Continue
  2. In the Search using field, search for and select Email Address. Then in the Operator field, choose is
  3. For the Value, type in the name of the field containing the email address from the earlier step. As we know this Contact exists, we leave all other values at their default settings and then click Continue.
    For this example we use Recipients Signers email from a previous step for the email address to search for
showing recipient signers email field search and select
  1. Now you will be asked to test this step. Click Test Step to complete it
  2. You’ll see a record ID for the Contact, which we’ll use that later in the Zap. Choose Continue to continue creating your Zap.
showing the option to continue with zap creation after find step

How to find a potentially existing Contact

As mentioned here there is also the option to find a Contact that might exist. You can ask Zapier to check whether the Contact exists, and if not then create a brand new one:

  1. We first have to find a Contact to link it to. Click the +Add Step button to add the next step
showing the add step button in zapier
  1. Select or search for Capsule CRM and a new step will be added
  2. Once selected, in the Event field, choose Find Contact and then Continue
showing the find contact option in search
  1. Choose your Capsule account. If you’ve set up a Zap for Capsule earlier you’ll be shown an existing account. Or follow the instructions to link your account and click Continue
  2. In the Search using field, search for and select Email Address. Then in the Operator field, choose is
  3. For the Value, type in the name of the field containing the email address from the earlier step.
    For this example we use Main Attendee and select Main Attendee from a previous Zap step.
showing recipient signers email field search and select
  1. In this scenario the contact may not yet exist so you want a Contact to be created in the CRM if it doesn’t. Check the option to Create Capsule CRM Contact if it doesn’t exist yet.

In this example the Contact that is created will be named with the email address and will need to be amended in Capsule, after it’s created, with the correct First and Last Name. If you have additional information available, populate as many fields as possible. These are the minimum requirements.

Complete the mapping as follows for Type, Firstname and Email Address:

showing create contact option checked with populated fields
  1. Now you will be asked to test this step. Click Test Step to complete it
  2. You’ll see a record ID for the Contact, which we’ll use that later in the Zap. Choose Continue to continue creating your Zap.
showing the option to continue with zap creation after find step

How to find an Opportunity in Capsule with Zapier

Often, as part of a Zap step involving Capsule, you need to either find an opportunity that you know exists or find an opportunity that may exist and create it if it doesn’t exist. These are two very similar processes. We’ve covered both processes below.


From an earlier step in the Zap, a Contact ID to use as the search part of the find step.

How to find a known existing Opportunity

  1. We first have to find a contact to link it to. Click the +Add Step button to add the next step
showing the add step button in zapier
  1. Select or search for Capsule CRM and a new step will be added
  2. Once selected, in the Event field, choose Find Opportunity and then Continue
showing the find opportunity option in search
  1. Choose your Capsule account. If you’ve set up a Zap for Capsule earlier you’ll be shown an existing account. Or follow the instructions to link your account and click Continue
  2. In the Search using field, search for and select Contact ID. Choose is for the operator and for the Value choose the ID for the Contact (where the ID is from an earlier Zap step).
    As we know this opportunity exists, we leave all other values at their default settings and then click Continue
showing the find opportunity fields populated
  1. Now you will be asked to test this step. Click Test Step to complete it
  2. You’ll see a record ID for the Opportunity. We’ll use that later in a Zap. Choose Continue to continue creating your Zap.
showing the option to continue with zap creation after find step

How to find a potentially existing Opportunity

As mentioned here there is also the option to find an Opportunity that might exist. You can ask Zapier to check whether the Opportunity exists, and if not, then create a brand new one:

  1. We first have to find a Contact to link it to. Click the +Add Step button to add the next step
showing the add step button in zapier
  1. Select or search for Capsule CRM and a new step will be added
  2. Once selected, in the Event field, choose Find Opportunity and then Continue
showing the find opportunity option in search
  1. Choose your Capsule account. If you’ve set up a Zap for Capsule earlier you’ll be shown an existing account. Or follow the instructions to link your account and click Continue
  2. In the Search using field, search for and select Contact ID. Choose is for the operator and for the Value choose the ID for the Contact (where the ID is from an earlier Zap step)
showing the find opportunity fields populated
  1. In this scenario the opportunity may not yet exist so you want an Opportunity to be created in the CRM if it doesn’t. Check the option to Create Capsule CRM Opportunity if it doesn’t exist yet
  2. The Opportunity that is created can be named with the Contact ID, which would need to be amended in Capsule after it’s created. If you have additional information available (such as a default Opportunity Name) then populate as many fields as possible. These are the minimum requirements.
  3. Fill in the fields for Type, Firstname and Email Address
  4. Now you will be asked to test this step. Click Test Step to complete it
  5. You’ll see a record ID for the Opportunity. We’ll use that later in a Zap. Choose Continue to continue creating your Zap.
showing the option to continue with zap creation after find step