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Frequently Created Contact Reports

Contacts that haven’t been Updated

If you’d like to find all Contacts that haven’t been updated in a while:

  1. Go to People & Organizations
  2. Click More filters and click the option for Updated On.
  3. Change the operator to is older than and then add the number of days you want to create the list.

Contacts you haven’t contacted recently

Using the Last Contacted On filter you can select all Contacts you haven’t been in touch with for some time.

The Last Contacted On filter changes on any updates to the history of the Contact. This data is updated when notes are added, emails stored, or Tasks completed on the Contact’s record.

  1. Go to People & Organizations

  2. Click More filters and click the option for Last Contacted On.

  3. Change the operator to is before and then type the date

Recently added Contacts

Using the Added On filter you can select all the Contacts you added recently.

  1. Go to People & Organizations
  2. Click More filters and click the option for Added On.
  3. Change the filter to reflect is within last and then type x days.

Finding contacts based on custom fields that use numerical scoring

If you’re using a custom number field to manually score your Contacts or record other numerical values, it’s possible to filter for a list of Contacts that are over or under a certain value:

  1. Go to People & Organizations
  2. Click More filters and find the Custom Field in the list of filters.
  3. Change the operator to is either is, isn’t, is greater than, or is less than

Search tips

While the list filters are a great way to create reports and find Contacts based on specific filters, you can always use the normal search box in the top menu bar to find Contacts, Projects, Sales Opportunities, and even notes or emails you have stored in your account. We sometimes refer to that search as the 'global search’. Just start typing the name of the record you’re looking for example and see the results pop up.

Use an ampersand (&) when you’re uncertain of your search and it will be treated as a separator. This means that if you search for A&B, it will search for all A’s and B’s as well as AB.

You can choose to see results in all categories or you can use the tab to narrow it down just to the specific type (Contacts, Opportunities, Projects, or Notes/Emails).

These are some of the things you can search for to find Contacts:

  • Street Address
  • Town
  • City
  • Postal/ZIP code (you need to remove any spaces for this to work)
  • Phone number (after typing 5 digits or more)
  • Custom text Fields (however you do need to enter the full value - Capsule can’t find results based on partial Custom Field values)
  • The ‘About’ section on all Contacts, Opportunities, or Projects
  • The names of files attached to Contacts, Opportunities, or Projects