Exporting reports
You may want to export your reports for use in a presentation or for further manipulation of your data in a spreadsheet application. You can do this by clicking the Export button at the top-right of the screen. Choose between exporting as a CSV to open in your spreadsheet application or as an image, if you would like to include it in a presentation or monthly report.
Export button top-right of a chart
How to export a Report Breakdown
You can easily export report breakdowns by using the option to ‘Export as CSV’. The export includes all of the information you can see in the breakdown.

When exporting a report breakdown to a CSV file you can export up to 20,000 rows. If the report you are trying to export exceeds this limit you can reduce the number of rows by adjusting the date range to a reduced time period or by applying additional filters, such as filtering by less users or teams or by removing an activity type.