We’re always making adjustments that make Capsule easier to use. We wanted to summarize some of the enhancements the team has been working on in the first few months of the year.
Updates to Email Templates
You can now add more recipients to a single email from Capsule. Click on CC BCC and start typing to find the contacts you want to include when sending an email.
When you want to send an email from Capsule you can now include attachments with a total size of up to 25MB too.
email templates cc attachments
Required Xero 2 Factor authentication (2FA)
A new condition from Xero has meant that 2 Factor authentication (2FA) is now required when setting up the integration between Capsule and Xero.
Adding 2FA to your account ensures an extra layer of security in place for all users on the account.
Existing accounts don't need to set up 2FA. But, if a user disconnects the integration for any reason and then connects it again, 2FA will have to be set up. Users can set up 2FA by going to Preferences - Password and Security. Find out more about how to set up 2FA.

Disable Drop Box Tasks
Previously, when you forwarded or BCC’d an email to your Capsule Drop Box, Capsule created a contact and added a follow-up task for contacts that did not exist. Creating a follow-up task might be useful for some users but not all. Now you choose whether or not you want the follow-up tasks automatically created or not. Users can turn off this feature or enable it again by going to their Preferences - My Preferences and checking or unchecking the relevant box.
Disable drop box tasks
Expected Close Date on Cases
You can now give Cases an Expected Close Date. This will help you manage your workload and give visibility to other people about when work is due.
Expected close date
New filtering on Opportunities and Cases
You can now filter for Opportunities and Cases by whether they have active tasks or not. This can help you see where you might have outstanding tasks to complete to close a sale or complete a project.
Filtering based on open or closed tasks
We hope you enjoy using Capsule and these new enhancements. If you have any questions or need any support, please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly support team.