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New Gmail gadget coming for Google Apps users

Dom Briggs · April 18, 2014

We're looking forward to rolling out a new Gmail gadget for Google Apps users starting April 29th. The new gadget introduces the following improvements:

  • A fresh clean design that sits beautifully alongside the latest version of Gmail
  • A complete reworking of the way that the gadget integrates with Gmail's mail servers to ensure the gadget is both fast and reliable
  • Improved functionality to streamline the use of the gadget, such as allowing override of contact details and linking them to an organisation when adding a new contact to Capsule

Importantly, there is a step required to enable the new gadget on your Google Apps domain. When we release the new gadget on April 29th or soon after, the old gadget will disappear from your Google Apps account. An administrator of your domain needs to follow these steps to re-enable the gadget on your account.

Here's a preview of what you'll seen once the new gadget is enabled:

And once the gadget is expanded:

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