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How To Print An Excel Spreadsheet: Printing Sheets, Formulas and more

Here is a handy guide with step-by-step instructions on how to print in Excel, from printing entire workbooks to formatting your data onto one page.

Olivia MacCunn · December 18, 2024
How To Print An Excel Spreadsheet: Printing Sheets, Formulas and moreHow To Print An Excel Spreadsheet: Printing Sheets, Formulas and more

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Excel spreadsheets are a powerful tool for organizing your business’s data into one manageable file, especially for small businesses. Yet, figuring out how to print an Excel spreadsheet can be tricky business, from printing on one page to formatting your entire workbook. By following our handy step-by-step guide, you can print Excel spreadsheets to look as good on paper as they do on your screen.

Using the Print Preview tool in Excel

The 'Print Preview' tool in Excel is a hidden gem that can save you from printing nightmares. Whether you're preparing a report, a budget plan, or a project schedule, ensuring your document looks perfect before hitting that print button is crucial.

Here’s how to make the most of this powerful feature and why it’s your saving grace for printing spreadsheets:

  1. Open Print Preview - to access Excel’s page preview feature, select your File settings in the top left corner of your screen and press Print.
  2. Preview pages - Print Preview will allow you to view your print selection or navigate to other pages using the right and left arrows. From here you can adjust individual page margins and page orientation, and optimize each sheet before you click Print.
  3. Select the arrow button in the top-left corner of the Print Preview window to exit and return to your worksheet.

Learning how to print a worksheet on Microsoft Excel is the first step to becoming an Excel printing whizz and is one of the easiest printing processes.

  1. Select your worksheets - open your Excel workbook and select the worksheet that you want to print.
  2. Go to File and Print - select File in the top left corner of your Excel page and click on the Print button, or alternatively press CTRL+P. This will open a preview page where you can view your document. You can also select your printer here and adjust the number of copies you need.
  3. Click Print - once you’re happy with your print layout settings, you’re ready to go ahead and click the Print button.

If you want to print several worksheets, hold down the CTRL key when making your selections and ensure that the Print Active Sheets option is highlighted in your preview settings before clicking Print.

If you want to print one or several workbooks in Microsoft Excel, all workbook files must be in the same folder.

  1. Select File - open your File settings in the top left corner of Excel
  2. Select Print - once you have previewed your workbook document, you’re ready to print.

When printing multiple workbooks, hold down CTRL and click the name of each workbook before you select Print. You can also select Print Entire Workbook in your print settings if you need all workbooks in your folder to be printed.

If you don’t want to print your entire sheet and only need specific sections, you must ensure you highlight your selected area before printing.

  1. Select your worksheet sections - drag your cursor to highlight the rows and columns that you wish to appear in your printout.
  2. Select File and Print - go to your File settings in the top left corner of Excel and click the Print button to view a preview of your data selections.
  3. Click 'Print Active Sheets' - ensure this option is highlighted and select 'Print Selection' before adjusting your preview layout and clicking Print.

If a worksheet has defined print areas, Excel will only print those areas. Make sure to select the Ignore Print Area check box if you wish to print the whole worksheet instead.

If you have mastered the art of printing part of a worksheet, printing a Microsoft Excel table is very simple. Like printing sections or data sets of your Excel worksheet, you want to ensure your Excel table is highlighted on your screen before printing.

  1. Select your table - click any cell in the table to select it on your Excel sheet.
  2. Go to File and Print - open your File settings in the top left corner of Excel and select the Print option to open your page preview.
  3. Click 'Print Active Sheets' - select this option and click on 'Print Selected Table'. This should bring up your Excel table on the print preview. If everything looks good, press Print.

Printing your Excel workbook is a common task, but what if you want to save a version of your workbook that’s ideal for printing like a PDF? This can help when it comes to sharing your work or keeping a record.

  1. Go to File and Print - follow the steps of printing your workbook, opening up your Print Preview in your File settings in the top left corner of Excel.
  2. Under Printer, select Print to File and then Select Print.
  3. Click on Save Print Output As - open the 'Save As' dialog box and enter a file name before selecting OK. The file will be saved in your Documents folder.

If you go to print the saved file on a different printer, your sheet may have altered breaks or spacing so it's important to adjust your page layout on your Print Preview page each time you print.

Have you ever tried to print an entire sheet only to find it spills over onto several pages? It can make your table difficult to interpret. Printing Excel spreadsheets on one page can make it much easier to review and share, especially if you need to present your data to others.

Let's look at three different ways of adjusting your format to print your sheet on one page:

1) Shrink your spreadsheet

  1. Select the 'Page Layout' option at the top of your Excel window and look for the 'Scale To Fit' tab.
  2. From here, you can alter page width and height under Scaling, or select Fit To One Page to automatically condense your spreadsheet to size.

2) Convert to PDF

  1. Select the Save As option in your File settings on Excel, or use free online services to convert your Excel file to a PDF copy. Let's follow the former route.
  2. In Save As, you can select your file type as PDF before you save. You can do this for your active sheets or even your entire workbook.
  3. PDF files scale your digital sheets to standard paper sizes, making it easier to fit on printed pages.

Adjust your page layout

  1. You can adjust your page margins, font size, page orientation, and page breaks in your 'Page Layout' tab at the top of your Excel page. If your sheet has more columns than rows, change your page orientation to landscape.
  2. By adjusting your worksheet layout, you can control which rows, columns, and worksheet sections you want to prioritize in your printed copy, making sure that they're optimized for paper.

Everyone knows that Excel formulas can boost your business’ potential and help you calculate forecasts. Whether you’re preparing a report, auditing data, or documenting your work, sometimes you need to print the actual formulas behind the numbers. Printing formulas is an easy trick to master in Excel with these simple steps.

  1. First, open your Excel workbook that contains the formulas that you wish to print.
  2. Select the Formulas tab at the top of your screen.
  3. Click on the Show Formulas button in the Formula Auditing tab - this will show your formulas in your worksheet.
  4. Once your formulas are visible in your sheet, you can adjust the margins and overall layout to ensure that they fit onto the page in your layout preview
  5. When you’re ready to print, go to File and click Print.

Discover nine Excel formulas to optimize your spreadsheet creation and interpretation.

With large spreadsheets, keeping track of your data across multiple printed pages can be challenging. This is where learning how to print titles in Excel comes in handy.

Printing titles by adjusting your title settings in your page setup dialog box allows you to repeat your header rows or columns on every page, making your data much easier to read and understand.

  1. Open your spreadsheet and click on the 'Page' tab at the top of your Excel window. Then select 'Page Layout'.
  2. In 'Page Layout', click on the 'Page Setup' window and select 'Print Titles'.
  3. In the 'Page Setup' dialog box, you can opt for rows to repeat at the top or columns to repeat on the left. Then you can select these in your Excel worksheet.
  4. Once done, click OK. Now you can go ahead and print your document.

Charts are a powerful way to visualize data in Excel, and sometimes you need to share these visualizations in a printed format. If you already know how to print a table in Excel, printing a chart is straightforward.

  1. Open your Excel workbook and select the chart that you want to print.
  2. Once your chart is highlighted, open your File settings and navigate to the 'Print Preview' section to make any adjustments to your chart before printing.
  3. If you need to print your chart on a separate page, right-click on your chart and select 'Move Chart'. This will allow you to select 'New Sheet' as a location option which will place your chart on its own page before printing.

Spreadsheet printing FAQs

Printing Excel Sheets is simpler than it seems

Printing Excel spreadsheets can seem difficult at first, but by following our Excel guide, you’ll be able to perfectly print your sheets in no time.

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