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60+ best ChatGPT prompts for sales and marketing (and how to use them)

We've compiled this list of ChatGPT prompts and we teach you how to use them in this blog post.

Jon Davis · August 1, 2023
60+ best ChatGPT prompts for sales and marketing (and how to use them)60+ best ChatGPT prompts for sales and marketing (and how to use them)

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ChatGPT, an AI platform powered by a large language learning model has emerged as the frontrunner in the race for AI supremacy.

But as it stands, to get the most out of AI, you need to learn how to prompt it.

Prompts help you give the AI tool you’re using specific instructions on what you want to get out of it.

Whether you’re using ChatGPT to generate some email comms; Midjourney to create photo-realistic digital art; or Boomy to craft an AI tune, the right prompt will help you get better results in all these use cases.

In this blog post, we’ll teach you what a prompt is, how best to structure your own and round up some of the best ones we’ve seen.

[Editors note: if you fancy yourself a bit of a prompt engineer, skip to our top prompts here.]

What are ChatGPT prompts?

ChatGPT prompts are a way to communicate with an artificial intelligence system, to get a desired response or generate specific content. It's like giving instructions or asking a question to an intelligent program.

When you provide a prompt, you're giving the AI some context or information to work with. This helps guide its understanding and influences the type of response it generates.

The prompt can be a sentence, a paragraph, or even a longer piece of text.

For example, if you want to generate a short story about a detective solving a mysterious crime, you could give a prompt like:

"In a small town, Detective Foxton was called to investigate a strange murder case."

Based on that prompt, ChatGPT will then continue the story with its own creative input.

It's important to note that the quality and accuracy of the AI's response depends on various factors, including the training it has received, the available data, and the complexity of the task.

How to use ChatGPT prompts

A laptop displaying the ChatGPT landing page

It’s really straightforward to start using ChatGPT. The trick is in learning how to master them. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can start using them:

  1. Identify an AI-powered tool: Do some desk research and find an AI tool that’s easy to use. There are plenty of options online, but we use ChatGPT at Caspule, as we think it’s the best general-use AI available right now.
  2. Determine your goal: Decide what you want to achieve with the AI. Do you need help writing a story, generating ideas, answering questions, or something else? Having a clear objective helps formulate an appropriate prompt.
  3. Write your prompt: Type a prompt that clearly communicates your intention or the information you want the ChatGPT to work with. Keep it concise and specific. If you're unsure, you can also provide some examples or additional context to guide the AI's response.
  4. Submit the prompt: Once you've written your prompt, submit it to the ChatGPT
  5. Review and refine: After the AI generates a response, look through it to see if it’s any good. If needed, you can refine or modify your prompt to get a better outcome. Iteration helps when fine-tuning ChatGPT’s output.
  6. Evaluate results critically: Remember, AI-generated content may not always be perfect or error-free. It can suffer from hallucinations, a phenomenon where the AI conjures up falsehoods to complete its task. Be critical, and thoroughly assess any output.

Tips for getting the most out of your ChatGPT prompts

Experimenting with what you input into ChatGPT is crucial to understanding its capabilities and expanding its use cases. Here are some initial tips on how to do this:

Talk to the AI as if you’re speaking to a person

So, it might feel uncomfortable initially to treat this piece of tech as a person - but hear us out!

When you’re constructing prompts, consider the little nuances, quips and anecdotes you use to embellish things you’d say to a person.

They give context, provide clarity and help articulate your point. Do this with ChatGPT or whatever AI you’re using.

These little details help it understand what it is you’re asking it and it will produce better results.

Context is key

ChatGPT and other large language model AIs are smart enough to understand context.

Here’s an example. In the image below, I’ve asked ChatGPT to ‘Give me a 10k training plan’.

Our prompt and Chat GPTs answer

In its answer, ChatGPT has made some assumptions. It said:

“Certainly! Here's a 10K training plan that spans over a period of 12 weeks. It's designed to gradually increase your running endurance and prepare you for a 10K race. This plan assumes that you have a basic level of fitness and can comfortably run at least 2-3 miles (3-5 kilometers) without any issues”

But what if you’ve already got a good base level of fitness and want to run a 10k in six weeks’ time?

Let’s try this prompt:

‘I want a 10k training plan for someone that's got a good base level of fitness. They do some light weight lifting in the gym once a week and they can run a 5k in 26 minutes. The training plan needs to span six weeks.’

Our prompt and chat GPTs response

As you can see from the picture above, compared to the first result, ChatGPT has produced a six-week plan, that’s more suitable to the suggested fitness level.

It was a simple case of giving it more detail, and more context around what we wanted from it.

Another example, specifically for sales professionals, I asked our AI Content Assistant (which uses the ChatGPT API) to ‘Write me a 100-word prospect email for a company that sells turtles’

Here’s the result:

Subject: Discover Tranquility with Captivating Turtle Companions

Dear [Prospect's Name],

At [Company Name], we specialize in offering captivating turtle companions that bring charm and tranquility to your living space. Our exquisite collection features ethically sourced and expertly cared-for turtle species.

Immerse yourself in their enchanting world, from vibrant red-eared sliders to majestic diamondback terrapins. Our knowledgeable team will assist you in finding the perfect turtle companion to suit your preferences and lifestyle.

Enhance your space with the delightful presence of our remarkable turtles. Experience the joy they bring firsthand by visiting [website URL] or contacting us at [contact information].

Find serenity with our enchanting turtles today!

Best regards,

Your Name Your Title Company Name Contact Information

But once again, this email doesn’t quite hit the mark. What if we’re selling to a logistics company based in Kansas? What if we know that the prospect likes Sea Turtles? And what if we know they’ve attended a conference in the past?

Here’s the next prompt:

“Write me a 100-word prospect email for a company that sells turtles. The company you're selling to is based in Kansas, we know that the prospect likes sea turtles. They've attended a big sealife conference on the 6th June 2022.”

Subject: Exclusive Offer: Discover Sea Turtles in Kansas!

Dear [Prospect's Name],

As a fellow marine life enthusiast who attended the sealife conference on June 6th, 2022, I wanted to share an exciting opportunity. [Company Name] has expanded to Kansas, bringing captivating sea turtles closer to you.

Our commitment to ethical sourcing ensures their well-being. To celebrate, we offer an exclusive 15% off your first sea turtle purchase.

Experience the magic of sea turtles in the heart of Kansas!

Let's discuss this opportunity further and answer your questions. Together, we can create a lasting connection between you and these awe-inspiring creatures.

Warm regards,

Your Name Your Title Company Name Contact Information

While this writer takes more scrupulous eye when producing that sort of copy, the premise is clear: adding context to a prompt gave the email a much wider, more refined scope.

So, in essence, embellish your prompts with context. Use specific, simple-to-understand language and articulate any useful information.

Get the AI to assume a persona

Feeling uncomfortable about anthropomorphizing AI yet? Well, prepare to feel more uncomfortable: you get really good results if you ask it to adopt human characteristics.

For instance, you could prompt it to write a piece like a pirate, write tweets like Elon Musk, or if you were doing some market research, you could ask it to act like a member of your prospective buying committee.

Here’s an example of the output from ChatGPT when I asked it the following:

Pretend you're a marketing manager at a small business with 25 employees. You don't have CRM. What things would you be looking for if you were considering a CRM system?

Our prompt and the AI response

As you can see from its output, while it is generalized, many of the points it makes are accurate. While ChatGPT has practical uses, it also has an almost complete repository of humanity at its silicon-laced fingertips. This prompt utilizes its literary prowess to produce a rather unnerving result.

The prompt: Write me a cautionary tale about AI in the style of William Shakespeare in about 250 words

Our prompt and the AI response

To summarize, to hone in your results and to articulate complex points simply, ask AI to adopt a persona - you won’t regret it!

Rein the AI in

In our many interactions with AI, we’ve noticed it does have a tendency to run away with itself sometimes. And we’re not alone.

Reddit is awash with examples. This post from May 2023 talks about how the longer a conversation with ChatGPT goes on, the worse its responses get.

In his blog post, Bernard Marr, a futurist and thought leader, talks about AI hallucination. In his post, he describes hallucinations as “...the generation of outputs that may sound plausible but are either factually incorrect or unrelated to the given context.

“These outputs often emerge from the AI model's inherent biases, lack of real-world understanding, or training data limitations. In other words, the AI system "hallucinates" information that it has not been explicitly trained on, leading to unreliable or misleading responses.”

So how do you mitigate these issues?

Well, unfortunately, while AI does automate a lot of manual tasks, as of right now, it isn’t perfect, so you need to carefully scrutinize anything it outputs.

Fact check any content. Check customer emails and if you start to see the quality of its responses degrade over time, like the example we posted above, remind the AI what the purpose of the initial query was.

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The best ChatGPT prompts

Minimalist graphic showing messages

To create this article, we’ve trawled the internet (so you don’t have to) to find some of the best prompts around.

This list is not definitive, but it should be enough to get you started with AI.

Top 5 prompts

#1 - The ultimate prompt Let’s start with the big guns: this prompt is one of the best. It allows you to create better-quality prompts, by instructing the ChatGPT to tease detailed information out of you, the user, to improve the quality of its output.

Once it arrives at a quality prompt, simply execute it and scrutinize the results.

“I want you to become my Prompt engineer. Your goal is to help me craft the best possible prompt for my needs.

The prompt will be used by you, ChatGPT. You will follow the following process:

  1. Your first response will be to ask me what the prompt should be about. I will provide my answer, but we will need to improve it through continual iterations by going through the next steps.
  2. Based on my input, you will generate 2 sections, a) Revised prompt (provide your rewritten prompt, it should be clear, concise, and easily understood by you), b) Questions (ask any relevant questions pertaining to what additional information is needed from me to improve the prompt).
  3. We will continue this iterative process with me providing additional information to you and you updating the prompt in the Revised prompt section until I say we are done.”

#2 - Midjourney prompt maker Midjourney is one of a few text-to-input AI art creators. It takes text instructions and generates imagery based on that. Like ChatGPT, it relies on text-based prompts to generate results.

The quality of the final image very much depends on what you tell Midjourney and the nuance of what you tell it.

MagitekZed has created this prompt generator that produces excellent-quality images. You simply cut and paste the prompt into ChatGPT and then follow the instructions.

Here are a few examples of images and their respective Midjourney prompts:

#3 - Top tier cold email prompt As a sales professional, you’ll always be drafting email communication to your prospects and customers.

Use this prompt to brainstorm ideas for a top-tier cold email and then adjust and amend them as you need accordingly: “I need a cold email idea that will engage my [ideal customer persona] with a unique and compelling perspective on [subject] and persuade them to take [desired action] on my [your website/product]."

#4 - Brainstorm blog posts prompt One of the biggest barriers to writing a blog post is the so-called ‘blank page’ moment, where you can’t think of what to write, or even how to write it.

Thankfully, there’s even a prompt for that now:

“Can you provide me with some ideas for blog posts about [topic of your choice]?”

#5 - Embrace the role play In sales, dealing with objections is one of the biggest challenges a salesperson can face.

By feeding ChatGPT details about your product and your business, and a scenario you wish to rehearse, you can practice how to handle some of the common objections and devise strategies to overcome them. The prompt:

“Pretend you are a lead who doesn’t see the immediate value of our CRM product. I’ll address your concerns and demonstrate their importance.“

Our ultimate list of ChatGPT prompts

Someone using ChatGPT on a laptop

We’ve scraped the web and found some of the best ChatGPT prompts for you to use.

They’re divided up by the typical use cases sales and marketing professionals have day-to-day.

And it’s worth booking marking this page - we’ll keep this list updated with new prompts, as and when we find them.

Editors note: Last updated 05/12/2023

Cold email prompts

  1. “Generate a cold email idea that will engage my [ideal customer persona] with a unique and compelling perspective on [subject] and persuade them to take [desired action] on my [your website/product]."
  2. "Create a cold email idea that will establish trust and credibility with my [ideal customer persona] by showcasing the expertise and professionalism of my [your company/brand]."
  3. "Create cold email idea that will provide a unique and compelling offer to my [ideal customer persona] and persuade them to take [desired action] with a sense of urgency and exclusivity."
  4. "I'm looking for a cold email idea that will showcase the benefits and value of my [product/service] to my [ideal customer persona] and persuade them to make a purchase with a strong call-to-action."
  5. "I need a cold email idea that will use a personalized and targeted approach to engage my [ideal customer persona] and persuade them to take [desired action] with a clear and compelling message."
  6. "I need a cold email idea that will provide a behind-the-scenes look at my [company/brand] and persuade my [ideal customer persona] to take [desired action] with a sense of authenticity and relatability."
  7. "I'm looking for a cold email idea that will provide a step-by-step guide on how to use my [product/service] and persuade my [ideal customer persona] to make a purchase with clear and compelling instructions."
  8. "I need a cold email idea that will demonstrate how my [product/service] can solve the specific pain points and needs of my [ideal customer persona] in a relatable and engaging way."
  9. "I'm looking for a cold email idea that will showcase the unique selling points of my [product/service] and persuade my [ideal customer persona] to make a purchase with a sense of urgency and exclusive offers."
  10. "I need a cold email idea that will compare my [product/service] to similar options on the market and persuade my [ideal customer persona] to choose us with clear and compelling evidence."
  11. "I'm looking for a cold email idea that will draw in my [ideal customer persona] with a relatable and authentic message, and then persuade them to take [desired action] with a strong call-to-action and compelling visuals."
  12. "I need a cold email idea that will provide valuable and relevant information to my [ideal customer persona] about [subject] and persuade them to take [desired action] with a clear and compelling message."
  13. "I'm looking for a cold email idea that will overcome objections and concerns my [ideal customer persona] may have about my [product/service] and convince them to take [desired action] with a sense of urgency."
  14. "I need a cold email idea that will establish credibility and authority with my [ideal customer persona] by showcasing the success stories of previous customers who have used my [product/service]."
  15. "I'm looking for a cold email idea that will attract the attention of my [ideal customer persona] and persuade them to take [desired action] with a unique and compelling subject line."

General marketing prompts

  1. Write a minute-long script for an advertisement about [product or service or company]
  2. Write a product description for my [product or service or company]
  3. Suggest inexpensive ways I can promote my [company] with/without using [Media channel]
  4. How can I obtain high-quality backlinks to raise the SEO of [Website name]
  5. Make 5 distinct CTA messages and buttons for [Your product]
  6. Create a [social media] campaign plan for launching an [your product], aimed at [ Your target audience]
  7. Analyze these below metrics to improve email open rates for a fashion brand paste metrics]
  8. Write follow-up emails to people who attended my [webinar topic] webinar
  9. Structure a weekly [newsletter topic] newsletter
  10. Make a post showcasing the benefits of using our product [product name] for [specific problem/issue].
  11. Generate 5 creative ways to use Instagram Reels for [your product or service or company]
  12. Create a social media post that targets [the specific audience] and explains how our product [product name] can help them.
  13. Create a personalized email greeting for a VIP customer
  14. Write a list of 5 YouTube video ideas for [your product or company]
  15. Create two Google Ads in an RSA format (using multiple headlines and descriptions) for an A/B test for “Your product”.
  16. Write a 160-character meta description for my blog post about [topic].

Copywriting prompts

  1. What is the AIDA model and how can it be used in copywriting?
  2. How can I use the PAS formula to create persuasive copy?
  3. What is the difference between a feature and a benefit in copywriting?
  4. How can I use storytelling in my copywriting to connect with my audience?
  5. What are some common copywriting formulas and how can they be used?
  6. How can I use social proof in my copywriting to build trust with my audience?
  7. What are some best practices for writing headlines in copywriting?
  8. How can I use emotional appeals in my copywriting to create a strong connection with my audience?
  9. What is the difference between direct response copywriting and brand copywriting?
  10. How can I use scarcity and urgency in my copywriting to increase conversions?
  11. How can I use the problem-agitate-solve method in my copywriting?
  12. What are some common copywriting mistakes to avoid?
  13. How can I use power words in my copywriting to increase conversions?
  14. What is the difference between long-form and short-form copywriting?
  15. How can I use customer testimonials in my copywriting to build trust with my audience?
  16. What is the difference between copywriting for web vs copywriting for print?
  17. How can I use storytelling in my copywriting to increase conversions?
  18. How can I use the before-after-bridge method in my copywriting?
  19. What is the difference between copywriting for B2C vs B2B?
  20. How can I use the inverted pyramid method in my copywriting?
  21. How can I use the power of specificity in my copywriting to increase conversions?
  22. How can I use the power of the senses in my copywriting to create an emotional connection with my audience?
  23. What are some lesser-known copywriting techniques that can be used to increase conversions?
  24. How can I use humor in my copywriting to connect with my audience?
  25. Can you give me an example of a successful copywriting campaign that was unexpected or unconventional?
  26. How can I use sensory language in my copywriting to create a stronger emotional connection with my audience?

Start using ChatGPT prompts today

Mastering prompts is an essential skill in harnessing the power of AI for sales and marketing purposes. With practice, experimentation, and thoughtful refinement, you can leverage ChatGPT and other AI tools to achieve better outcomes and drive success in your sales and marketing efforts.

Click here to learn more about Capsule CRM and access a 14-day free trial.

Best ChatGPT prompts: Frequently asked questions