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20+ Universal email templates for small business owners

Explore 20+ universal email templates for small business owners. From marketing to customer service, streamline your communications with these effective, ready-to-use templates.

Rose McMillan · July 12, 2024
20+ Universal email templates for small business owners20+ Universal email templates for small business owners

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You might run an online business, perhaps through social media, and never consider sending an email. However, as your business grows, there will likely come a time when you need to communicate via email with your customers.

You'll probably need to send an email or two. Or maybe ten? When that time comes, knowing how to write those emails will be really helpful. Today, we're sharing some templates to get you started.

Customer Welcome Email Template

Welcoming new customers through email is extremely important for building a strong relationship. Sending a customer welcome email right after their first purchase or sign-up sets a positive tone and increases engagement.

A good welcome email should thank the customer for their purchase, provide an overview of what they can expect next, and offer key benefits of your product or service. It’s also helpful to include a clear subject line, your contact information, and a call to action like joining your social media platform or checking out valuable resources.

Short Example:

Subject Line: Welcome to [Company Name]!

Hi [Customer Name],

Thank you for choosing [Company Name]! We’re excited to have you with us. Here’s what you can expect from us: [list of key benefits]. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at [business email address].

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name]

Long Example:

Subject Line: Welcome to [Company Name] – Here’s What’s Next!

Hello [Customer Name],

Thank you for your recent purchase with [Company Name]! We are thrilled to have you as a part of our community. Our goal is to provide you with the best experience possible. Here’s what you can look forward to:

  1. Key Benefits: Access to exclusive discounts, early updates on new products, and dedicated customer support.
  2. Stay Connected: Follow us on [social media platform] for the latest news and special offers.
  3. Valuable Resources: Check out our blog for tips, guides, and free resources designed to help you make the most out of our product.

If you have any questions or need further details, don’t hesitate to contact us at [business email address] or [phone number]. We’re here to help!

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Email Signature]

welcome email


Request for Customer Feedback Email Template

Gathering customer feedback helps small businesses improve their products and services. Send it a few days after the transaction is completed to show customers that their opinions matter.

Small businesses can use this email template to ask specific questions about the customer’s experience, encourage honest feedback, and provide an easy way for customers to respond, such as a link to a survey. Acting on the feedback received demonstrates a commitment to customer satisfaction.

Short Example:

Subject Line: We Value Your Feedback!

Hi [Customer Name],

Thank you for your recent purchase with [Company Name]. We hope you’re enjoying your new [product/service]. Your feedback is incredibly valuable to us, and we’d love to hear your thoughts. Could you take a few moments to fill out a quick survey? [insert survey link]

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Business Email Address]

Long Example:

Subject Line: How Was Your Experience with [Company Name]?

Hello [Customer Name],

I hope you’re well. Thank you for choosing [Company Name] and recently purchasing [product/service]. We are committed to providing the best experience possible and would love to hear your feedback.

  1. What did you enjoy most about your experience?
  2. Were there any pain points or areas we could improve?
  3. Would you recommend our [product/service] to others? Why or why not?

Please take a few moments to complete our short survey [insert survey link]. Your honest feedback helps us improve and serve you better. If you have any further details or questions, feel free to contact us at [phone number].

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Email Signature]

Alternative Long Example:

Subject Line: We Want Your Feedback on Your Recent Purchase!

Dear [Customer Name],

Thank you for your recent purchase with [Company Name]. We hope you’re enjoying your [product/service]. Your feedback is crucial for us to continue improving and providing the best possible experience.

Could you please take a few moments to answer a few questions about your experience?

  • How satisfied are you with your purchase?
  • What could we do to enhance your experience?
  • Any additional comments or suggestions?

Please click on the following link to provide your feedback: [insert survey link]. Your insights are incredibly valuable to us. If you need any assistance, feel free to contact us at [phone number].

Thank you for your time and input.

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Email Signature]

Feedback email


Following Up After Leaving a Voicemail Email Template

Voicemails can sometimes be missed or overlooked. Sending a follow-up email after leaving a voicemail is a strategic move that boosts your chances of getting your message across effectively.

The follow-up should provide a written summary of your key points, ensuring clarity and reducing any misunderstanding. This approach shows your dedication to clear communication and consideration for the recipient’s convenience. To avoid confusion, make sure the follow-up email addresses the same key points mentioned in the voicemail.

Short Example:

Subject Line: Following Up on My Voicemail

Hi [Recipient's Name],

I hope you’re well. I left you a voicemail earlier today regarding [specific topic]. Just wanted to follow up in case you missed it. If you have any questions or need further details, please reply to this email or call me back at [phone number].

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Email Signature]

Long Example:

Subject Line: Following Up on My Voicemail About [Specific Topic]

Hello [Recipient's Name],

I hope you’re having a great day. I left you a voicemail earlier today and wanted to follow up with an email to provide a summary of the key points:

  1. [Key Point 1]: [Brief explanation or detail].
  2. [Key Point 2]: [Brief explanation or detail].
  3. [Key Point 3]: [Brief explanation or detail].

I believe these points could be incredibly valuable for [your business/our collaboration]. If you have any questions or need further details, please feel free to reply to this email or call me back at [phone number].

Looking forward to your response.

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Email Signature]

Follow-Up After a Meeting Email Template

Following up after a meeting with a potential client or business partner can make or break your deal. Send it within 24-48 hours after the meeting to show professionalism and keep the momentum going.

This follow-up email template should recap the key points discussed during the meeting, reaffirm your interest in working together, and outline the next steps. Including a clear call to action helps continue the conversation and shows your proactive approach.

Short Example:

Subject Line: Great Meeting You, [Recipient's Name]!

Hi [Recipient's Name],

I hope you’re well. It was great meeting with you yesterday. I wanted to recap our discussion about [specific topic] and express my enthusiasm about the potential collaboration. Looking forward to taking the next steps. Let’s schedule a quick call to discuss this further. Please let me know your availability.

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Business Email Address]

Long Example:

Subject Line: Follow-Up on Our Meeting About [Specific Topic]

Hello [Recipient's Name],

I hope you’re having a great day. It was a pleasure meeting with you [yesterday/two days ago]. I wanted to follow up on our conversation and highlight the key points we discussed:

1. [Key Point 1]: [Brief explanation or detail].

2. [Key Point 2]: [Brief explanation or detail].

3. [Key Point 3]: [Brief explanation or detail].

I believe our collaboration could bring significant benefits to both our businesses. As a next step, I suggest we schedule a quick call to finalize the details. Could you please let me know your availability? You can reach me at [phone number] or simply reply to this email.

Looking forward to your response and am excited about the possibilities ahead.

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Email Signature]

Thank You for Your Purchase Email Template

Sending a thank you email after a customer makes a purchase shows appreciation and strengthens customer relationships. This type of small business email template is important for building loyalty and encouraging repeat business.

This email should express gratitude for the customer’s purchase, highlight key benefits of the product or service, and provide any necessary follow-up information or resources. Including a discount code for their next purchase can also enhance customer satisfaction and incentivize future sales.

Short Example:

Subject Line: Thank You for Your Purchase, [Customer Name]!

Hi [Customer Name],

Thank you for your recent purchase with [Company Name]. We hope you love your new [product/service]. As a token of our appreciation, here’s a discount code for 10% off your next order: THANKYOU10. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us.

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Business Email Address]

Long Example:

Subject Line: Thank You for Choosing [Company Name]!

Hello [Customer Name],

We wanted to express our sincere gratitude for your recent purchase of [product/service] from [Company Name]. Your support means the world to us, and we hope you’re delighted with your new [product/service].

Here are a few key benefits of your [product/service] that you might find incredibly valuable:

  • [Benefit 1]: [Brief explanation].
  • [Benefit 2]: [Brief explanation].
  • [Benefit 3]: [Brief explanation].

To show our appreciation, we’re offering you a special discount code for your next purchase: THANKYOU10. Use it at checkout to get 10% off.

If you have any questions or need further details, don’t hesitate to contact us at [phone number] or visit our website. We also invite you to check out our blog for tips and resources on how to get the most out of your new [product/service]: [insert link].

Thank you once again for your purchase and for being a valued customer.

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Email Signature]

Thank you email


Abandoned Cart Email Template

Sending an abandoned cart email is essential for recovering potential sales that didn’t complete the checkout process. This type of email helps remind customers of their unfinished purchases and encourages them to return and complete the transaction.

The email should remind the customer of the items left in their cart, highlight the key benefits of the products, and provide an easy way to return to the cart. Including a discount code or special offer can further incentivize the customer to finalize their purchase.

Short Example:

Subject Line: Don’t Forget Your Items, [Customer Name]!

Hi [Customer Name],

We noticed you left some great items in your cart at [Company Name]. Don’t miss out on [product/service]! Complete your purchase now and enjoy the key benefits of our [product/service]. Use the link below to return to your cart.

[Return to Cart]

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Business Email Address]

Long Example:

Subject Line: Your Cart is Waiting – Complete Your Purchase and Enjoy 10% Off!

Hello [Customer Name],

It looks like you left some items in your cart at [Company Name]. We wanted to remind you of the great products you selected and their incredibly valuable benefits:

1. [Product 1]: [Key benefit 1]

2. [Product 2]: [Key benefit 2]

3. [Product 3]: [Key benefit 3]

To help you complete your purchase, we’re offering you a special discount code: CART10 for 10% off your order. Simply click the link below to return to your cart and finalize your purchase.

[Return to Cart]

If you have any questions or need further details, please feel free to contact us at [phone number]. We’re here to help!

Thank you for choosing [Company Name]. We look forward to serving you.

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Email Signature]

abandoned cart email


Customer Satisfaction Email Template

Gathering feedback on customer satisfaction helps small businesses improve their services and shows customers their opinions matter. This email should be sent a few days after the transaction to ensure the experience is fresh in the customer’s mind.

This email should thank the customer for their purchase, ask specific questions about their experience, and provide a link to a survey. Including a discount code for future purchases can encourage participation and show appreciation.

Short Example:

Subject Line: How Was Your Experience with [Company Name]?

Hi [Customer Name],

Thank you for choosing [Company Name]. Your feedback is incredibly valuable to us. Could you take a few moments to share your thoughts on your recent purchase? Click the link below to start the survey.

[Survey Link]

As a thank you, here’s a discount code for 10% off your next purchase: THANKYOU10.

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Business Email Address]

Long Example:

Subject Line: We Value Your Feedback – Share Your Experience and Get 10% Off!

Hello [Customer Name],

Thank you for your recent purchase with [Company Name]. We strive to provide the best possible experience for our customers and your feedback helps us achieve that.

Could you please take a few moments to complete a short survey about your recent purchase?

1. What did you enjoy most about your experience?

2. Were there any pain points or areas we could improve?

3. Would you recommend our [product/service] to others? Why or why not?

Please click the link below to start the survey: [Survey Link]

As a token of our appreciation, here’s a discount code for 10% off your next purchase: THANKYOU10. If you have any further details to share, please feel free to contact us at [phone number].

Thank you for helping us improve!

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Email Signature]

satisfaction email

Confirmation Email Template

Sending a confirmation email after a purchase or sign-up reassures customers that their transaction was successful and provides important details about their order. This email should be sent immediately after the transaction is completed.

The email should include the order details, an estimated delivery date, and contact information for customer support. A clear subject line helps ensure the email is noticed.

Short Example:

Subject Line: Order Confirmation – Thank You for Your Purchase!

Hi [Customer Name],

Thank you for your purchase from [Company Name]. Your order #[Order Number] has been received and is being processed. You can expect delivery by [Estimated Delivery Date].

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at [phone number].

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Business Email Address]

Long Example:

Subject Line: Your Order Has Been Confirmed – Order #[Order Number]

Hello [Customer Name],

Thank you for shopping with [Company Name]. We have received your order #[Order Number] and it is now being processed. Here are the details of your purchase:

  • Order Number: [Order Number]
  • Order Date: [Order Date]
  • Estimated Delivery: [Estimated Delivery Date]
  • Shipping Address: [Shipping Address]
  • Items Ordered: [List of Items]

You can track your order status on our website [insert link], and please find the attached invoice. If you have any questions or need further details, please contact our customer support team at [phone number] or reply to this email.

We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you again.

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Email Signature]

Confirmation email

Invoice Email Template

Sending an invoice email is an essential part of business transactions, ensuring that both parties are clear on payment details. This email should be sent promptly after the service is provided or the product is delivered.

An invoice email template should include a clear subject line, the invoice details, payment terms, and contact information for any questions. Maintain a professional tone throughout the email!

Short Example:

Subject Line: Invoice #[Invoice Number] from [Company Name]

Hi [Customer Name],

Please find attached your invoice #[Invoice Number] for [recently purchased product/service]. The total amount due is [Amount], and payment is due by [Due Date]. If you have any questions, please contact us at [phone number].

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Business Email Address]

Long Example:

Subject Line: Your Invoice #[Invoice Number] from [Company Name]

Hello [Customer Name],

Thank you for your recent purchase with [Company Name]. Attached is your invoice #[Invoice Number] for the [product/service] you recently purchased. Here are the details:

  • Invoice Number: [Invoice Number]
  • Invoice Date: [Invoice Date]
  • Due Date: [Due Date]
  • Total Amount Due: [Amount]

Please make the payment by [Due Date] to avoid any late fees. If you have any questions or need further details, do not hesitate to contact us at [phone number] or reply to this email.

We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you again.

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Email Signature]

Introduction Email Template

An introduction email is used to introduce yourself or your company to a prospective client or business partner. This business email example should be clear, concise, and professional, making a strong first impression.

The introduction email template should also include a formal greeting, a brief introduction of who you are, the value proposition of your business, and a call to action for further engagement.

Short Example:

Subject Line: Introduction from [Your Name] at [Company Name]

Hi [Recipient's Name],

My name is [Your Name], and I am the [Job Title] at [Company Name]. We specialize in [brief description of your product/service]. I would love to discuss how we can help [specific benefit or value proposition].

Looking forward to connecting.

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Business Email Address]

Long Example:

Subject Line: Introduction and Potential Collaboration Opportunity

Hello [Recipient's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am the [Job Title] at [Company Name]. We are dedicated to [brief description of your product/service] and have been helping businesses like yours achieve [specific benefit or value proposition].

I believe there is a significant opportunity for us to work together to [brief description of potential collaboration]. I would love to schedule a quick call to discuss how we can exchange ideas and explore this further.

Please let me know your availability for a call. I am looking forward to the possibility of collaborating with you.

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Email Signature]

intro email

Client Onboarding Email Template

Welcoming a new client effectively sets the tone for a productive relationship. Using email marketing to do so is ideal! The sooner you send your message, the better. Ideally, you should send it immediately after a client signs up or agrees to work with your business. It should provide key details and resources to help the client get started smoothly.

Short Example:

Subject Line: Welcome to [Company Name] – Let’s Get Started!

Hi [Client Name],

Welcome to [Company Name]! We are thrilled to have you on board. To get started, here are some valuable tools and resources:

  • Client Portal: [Insert link]
  • Introduction Video: [Insert link]
  • Onboarding Guide: [Insert link]

If you have any questions, please contact your dedicated team member at [business email address].

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Business Email Address]

Long Example:

Subject Line: Welcome to [Company Name] – Your Onboarding Guide

Hello [Client Name],

Thank you for choosing [Company Name] as your [product/service] provider. We are excited to embark on this journey with you. Our goal is to ensure a smooth and successful onboarding experience. Here are some key resources to get you started:

  1. Client Portal Access: Manage your account and track progress here: [Insert link].
  2. Introduction Video: A brief overview of what you can expect: [Insert link].
  3. Onboarding Guide: Step-by-step instructions to make the most out of our services: [Insert link].

Please do not hesitate to reach out to your dedicated team member at [business email address] if you have any questions or need further assistance.

We look forward to supporting your business growth.

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Email Signature]

Blog Post Promotion Email Template

Promoting your latest blog post via email is an effective way to drive traffic to your website and engage with your audience. Your mailing list members are usually interested in your brand already, so giving them a list of content to get familiar with, could be very beneficial and increase open rates.

Send to your email subscribers with a compelling subject line to further encourage opens and clicks.

Short Example:

Subject Line: New Blog Post: [Title] – Check it Out!

Hi [Subscriber Name],

We’ve just published a new blog post that we think you’ll love: [Title]. In this post, we discuss [brief description of the content]. It’s packed with valuable insights and tips.

Read the full post here: [Insert link]

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Business Email Address]

Long Example:

Subject Line: Discover Valuable Insights in Our Latest Blog Post: [Title]

Hello [Subscriber Name],

We are excited to share our latest blog post with you: [Title]. This post dives deep into [brief description of the content], offering valuable insights and practical tips that can help you address common pain points and achieve your goals.

Here are some key takeaways from the post:

  • Insight 1: [Brief detail]
  • Insight 2: [Brief detail]
  • Insight 3: [Brief detail]

Don’t miss out on these valuable tools and a free resource list. Read the full post here: [Insert link]

We hope you find this information incredibly valuable and look forward to your feedback. Feel free to share the post with your network.

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Email Signature]

onboarding email


Event Invitation Email Template

Do you know you can use professional email templates to invite your audience to a special online/offline event you run? An event invitation email is a smart tool for engaging your target audience and ensuring good attendance, no matter if it's online or offline.

Such a professional email template should be engaging and informative, providing all necessary details about the event. Don't forget about catchy subject lines, too!

Short Example:

Subject Line: You’re Invited to [Event Name]!

Hi [Recipient Name],

We are excited to invite you to [Event Name] on [Event Date] at [Event Location]. Join us for an evening of [brief description of the event highlights].

RSVP here: [Insert RSVP Link]

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Business Email Address]

Long Example:

Subject Line: Don’t Miss Out on [Event Name] – RSVP Today!

Hello [Recipient Name],

We are thrilled to invite you to [Event Name] happening on [Event Date] at [Event Location]. This event is an excellent opportunity to [brief description of the event’s purpose and key highlights], and it promises to be an engaging and informative experience.

Event Details:

  • Date: [Event Date]
  • Time: [Event Time]
  • Location: [Event Location]

To confirm your attendance, please RSVP by clicking the link below: [Insert RSVP Link]

This event is a perfect opportunity to connect with other business owners, exchange ideas, and gain valuable insights. We hope you will join us for an evening of networking and learning.

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you at [Event Name].

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Email Signature]

Event invitation template


General Sales Email Template

A sales email aims to persuade potential clients to consider your product or service. You can send it as one of follow up emails, or, if you have all the permissions, start your sequence of business emails with this one.

Highlight the value proposition and encourage the recipient to take action – so the email not only gets opened but replied to.

Short Example:

Subject Line: Discover How [Product/Service] Can Benefit Your Business

Hi [Recipient Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to introduce you to [Product/Service], which can help address [specific pain point] and enhance your business operations.

Let’s schedule a quick call to discuss how [Product/Service] can meet your needs.

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Business Email Address]

Long Example:

Subject Line: Transform Your Business with [Product/Service]

Hello [Recipient Name],

I’m reaching out to share how [Product/Service] can significantly benefit your business by addressing [specific pain point]. Our solution offers the following key benefits:

  1. [Benefit 1]
  2. [Benefit 2]
  3. [Benefit 3]

We believe [Product/Service] aligns perfectly with your goals and can help you achieve impressive results. Let’s schedule a call to discuss this further. Click here to book a time: [Insert Link].

Thank you for considering [Company Name]. We look forward to helping your business grow.

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Email Signature]

Cold Email Template

Cold emails are used to reach out to potential clients with whom you have no prior relationship. A sample email should be concise, compelling, and focused on the recipient’s needs – with a value statement apparent from the get-go.

Before you send such an email, make sure you're allowed to do so (e.g., you haven't bought the email list but gathered it through the landing page/gated content).

Short Example:

Subject Line: Unlock New Opportunities with [Product/Service]

Hi [Recipient Name],

My name is [Your Name] from [Company Name]. We help businesses like yours solve [specific pain point] with [Product/Service].

I would love to discuss how we can support your business goals. Are you available for a quick call this week?

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Business Email Address]

Long Example:

Subject Line: How [Product/Service] Can Solve [Pain Point] for [Recipient's Company]

Hello [Recipient Name],

I hope you’re well. I’m [Your Name] from [Company Name], and I specialize in helping companies like [Recipient’s Company] tackle [specific pain point]. Our [Product/Service] provides the following advantages:

  1. [Advantage 1]
  2. [Advantage 2]
  3. [Advantage 3]

I believe we could add significant value to your operations. Would you be open to a brief call to explore this further? Please let me know your availability.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to connecting with you.

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Email Signature]

Seeking Referrals Email Template

If you have a group of happy and loyal customers, consider using business email examples to reach out to them and ask them to refer you further. Referral emails can help you grow your client base by leveraging your existing network.

It should be a professional email appreciating their business. The email should also express appreciation for the recipient’s support and respectfully request a referral.

Short Example:

Subject Line: We Would Appreciate Your Referral

Hi [Customer Name],

I hope you’re enjoying [Product/Service]. We’re always looking to help more businesses like yours. If you know anyone who could benefit from our services, please let us know. Your referral would mean a lot to us.

Thank you for your continued support!

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Business Email Address]

Long Example:

Subject Line: Can You Help Us Reach More Businesses Like Yours?

Hello [Customer Name],

We hope you are satisfied with [Product/Service]. As a valued customer, your opinion matters greatly to us. We’re currently seeking referrals to expand our reach and help more businesses solve [specific pain point].

If you know any potential clients who could benefit from our offerings, we would greatly appreciate an introduction. Your support is incredibly valuable to us, and as a token of our gratitude, we’re offering a special discount for any referrals you provide.

Thank you for being a loyal customer and for considering our request.

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Email Signature]

Even AirBNB does it!

air bnb email


Personal Email Template

A personal email helps establish a more human connection with your clients or partners. It should be friendly and professional, suited for maintaining relationships.

With this business email template, you can add a human touch to your communication with your clients – and improve your overall perception of your brand.

Short Example:

Subject Line: Just Checking In

Hi [Recipient Name],

I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to check in and see how things are going with [specific project/product]. If there’s anything you need or any way I can assist, please let me know.

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Business Email Address]

Long Example:

Subject Line: Checking In – How Are Things with [Project/Product]?

Hello [Recipient Name],

I hope this message finds you in good spirits. I wanted to touch base and see how everything is progressing with [specific project/product]. It’s always great to hear how our clients are doing and if there are any pain points we can help address.

If there’s anything specific you’d like to discuss or if you need any assistance, feel free to reach out. We’re here to support you.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Email Signature]

email template

Discount Code Email Template

Offering a discount code is a great way to reward loyal customers or entice new ones to make a purchase. Provide instructions on how to use the discount, where to put the code, and how long it is valid for.

Short Example:

Subject Line: Here’s Your Exclusive Discount Code!

Hi [Customer Name],

We appreciate your support at [Company Name]! As a thank you, here’s an exclusive discount code just for you: SAVE20. Use this code at checkout to enjoy 20% off your next purchase.

Happy shopping!

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Business Email Address]

Long Example:

Subject Line: Thank You for Being a Valued Customer – Enjoy 20% Off!

Hello [Customer Name],

At [Company Name], we value your loyalty and support. To show our appreciation, we’re offering you an exclusive discount code: SAVE20. Use this code at checkout to receive 20% off your next purchase.

Here’s how to use your discount code:

  1. Visit our website and add your favorite items to your cart.
  2. Proceed to checkout.
  3. Enter the discount code SAVE20 in the designated field.

This offer is valid until [expiration date], so make sure to take advantage of it soon. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact us at [phone number].

Thank you for choosing [Company Name]. We look forward to serving you again!

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Email Signature]

Thank you email


Refund Confirmation Business Email Template

Handling refunds professionally is crucial for maintaining customer trust and satisfaction. It’s easy to overdo refund business email templates – but you shouldn’t do it. In your confirmation email template, simply confirm the refund process and provide any necessary details.

Short Example:

Subject Line: Your Refund Has Been Processed

Hi [Customer Name],

We have processed your refund for [product/service]. The amount of [refund amount] will be credited to your original payment method within [number of days] days. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Business Email Address]

Long Example:

Subject Line: Refund Confirmation for Your Recent Purchase

Hello [Customer Name],

We hope this email finds you well. We are writing to confirm that your refund for [product/service] has been processed. The refunded amount of [refund amount] will be credited to your original payment method within [number of days] days.

Here are the details of your refund:

  • Order Number: [Order Number]
  • Refund Amount: [Refund Amount]
  • Processed On: [Refund Date]

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our customer service team at [phone number]. We are here to help and want to ensure your complete satisfaction.

Thank you for your understanding and for being a valued customer of [Company Name].

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Email Signature]

Testimonial Request Email Template

Gathering testimonials from satisfied customers is an effective way to build credibility and attract potential clients – not only when you’re starting out! Politely ask for a testimonial and make it easy for the customer to provide one. If you have any examples of previous testimonials or case studies, attach them to your email.

Short Example:

Subject Line: We Would Love to Hear Your Feedback!

Hi [Customer Name],

Thank you for choosing [Company Name]! We hope you are enjoying your [product/service]. We would greatly appreciate it if you could share your experience with us by providing a testimonial.

Your feedback helps us improve and assists other customers in making informed decisions. Please click the link below to leave your testimonial: [Insert Testimonial Link]

Thank you for your time and support!

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Business Email Address]

Long Example:

Subject Line: Share Your Experience with [Company Name]

Hello [Customer Name],

We hope this message finds you well. At [Company Name], we strive to provide the best possible [product/service] and your satisfaction is our top priority. We are reaching out to kindly ask if you would be willing to share your experience with us by providing a testimonial.

Your feedback is incredibly valuable, not only to us as we continue to improve our offerings but also to other potential clients who are considering [Company Name]. Here are a few questions to guide your testimonial:

  • What did you enjoy most about our [product/service]?
  • How has [product/service] helped you address your pain points or achieve your goals?
  • Would you recommend [Company Name] to others? If so, why?

To leave your testimonial, please click the link below: [Insert Testimonial Link]

We deeply appreciate your time and support. Thank you for helping us grow and improve.

Best regards,[Your Name][Company Name][Email Signature]

Leverage small business email templates today!

Creating effective business emails from scratch isn’t always the best use of your time! Using small business email templates can simplify your communication process and maintain a professional tone consistently. Our templates help you cover all necessary points efficiently and reduce the risk of errors or omissions. Start using small business email templates today to improve your productivity and professionalism!


Should I use info@ or contact@?

Use contact@ for a more personal touch. Info@ is generic and might appear less inviting.

What's the best email for a small business?

The best email for a small business is one that includes your company name, like, for professionalism.

How do you write a simple business email?

Start with a clear subject line, use a formal greeting, be concise, and end with a professional closing and your contact information.

What can I use instead of info@?

Use addresses like contact@, hello@, or support@ to make your email communication feel more approachable and specific.

What is a good business email example?

Example: This format is professional and easy to remember, using your name and business domain.

How do I create a good business email address?

Combine your name with your business domain, like, to ensure clarity and professionalism.

What is the best first business email?

The best first business email is a welcome email that introduces your business, sets expectations, and invites further engagement.

What is a good opening for a business email?

A good opening is, “Hi [Recipient’s Name], I hope this email finds you well,” which is polite and sets a positive tone.

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