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Migrating Data

Migrating data to Capsule from a different CRM

Preparation is key when making the transition from another CRM to Capsule. You can start by checking out our blog post: 6 Steps to Successfully Migrate CRM Data

When migrating data from one CRM to another, after you have completed your data analysis and cleanup (steps 1 and 2 in the above blog post), the next step is to export the data from your existing system and then format it ready to import into Capsule. The way the exported data will be formatted after export is dependent on your current CRM.

We have some helpful tips depending on the CRM you are migrating from below. If you would prefer to have customised support during this process, there are external migration services available (such as CloudCruise, a Capsule partner). These services can help you migrate the data from your previous CRM to Capsule. For more details, please get in touch with us here to get started.


You can export your contacts from HubSpot and then directly import these into Capsule. Within the HubSpot Academy there is an article explaining the process to export your lists.

Salesforce, Pipedrive, Act! And Zoho

Some CRM’s don’t provide all of your data in a single CSV file, for example, contact details and notes can end up separated. Salesforce, Pipedrive, Act! and Zoho are instances of a CRM that doesn’t export your data to a single CSV file.

Salesforce’s backup data export gives you a list of different files where the data is split up. Act! gives you all the contacts in one export and a separate export gives you the history. Pipedrive also exports to separate files. Similar to the others, the export from Zoho gives you an option to export from individual modules or individual reports. Zoho reports have additional limitations that reduce their suitability for large scale exports.

With Capsule, when you import a CSV or Excel file, all the information for the contact, such as name, phone number, notes and email history, needs to be in the same file when you do the import. You can't complement an existing contact with notes and email history from a new CSV file. Due to this, for an export from Salesforce, Pipedrive, Act! or Zoho, you’ll need to merge the individual files into a single file before importing.

Importing data

The last step will be to import the Contact and Opportunity records via CSV or Excel. We have a full guide for importing Contacts and a full guide to importing Opportunities to help you with this step.

It’s not possible to import Projects in the same way as you can with Contacts and Opportunities. The way we do this instead is using a service called Zapier.

In Zapier you create 'zaps' which when triggered in one app, action something in another. This allows you to create a zap with a Google Sheet which creates a new Project in Capsule when a new row is added to your Google Sheet. Once the zap template is created it's simply a case of copying the data you have for your Projects in the CSV file to the Google Sheet and the zap will take care of the rest.

There is a Zapier Template for importing Projects to help with this.